I have picked a few lovely beers from Alphabet Brewing Company curtesy of our local pub turned bottle shop and I must say I have enjoyed every one. I have been impressed with their beer range and the design on the cans have been great. ‘Subaquatic Getaway’ is a single hop sabro pale ale at 4% and had a vibrant orange colouration (opaque) combined with a long lasting white head. On opening, significant malty aromas were prevalent. The beer had a nice moderate body feel and good carbonation was obvious running up the glass. Both body and carbonation delivered the flavours well and the beer was relatively smooth. Taste wise the sabro provided subtle coconut flavours complemented by a zingy lemon lasting bitterness. The beer was refreshing and crisp and left good lacing on the glass (something I like). Like all the Alphabet brewing beers I have had over the last month, this beer was enjoyable, with pleasant subtle flavours and had a quality feeling. Don’t get me wrong, there are beers out there that pack more of a punch in terms of flavour but this was a good easy going session beer.
If you are after an easy drinking session beer then this is worth a go!