This was one of the cans I had delivered yesterday, and decided to do a quick review. A gluten free session ale at 3.8% ABV that I was eager to compare to a few of the other session beers I have had of late. The beer looked nice in the glass with an opaque straw coloured body and had a long lasting white head. The beer had zingy lemon aromas and citra hops were obvious. The beer itself felt a little thin in the mouth but the medium carbonation delivered the flavour well. Taste wise this beer had a combination of light flavours; zesty lemon and citra/hops combined with a citrus bitterness. Throughout drinking I was left with a residual citrus aftertaste which was pleasant. Just to clarify, this beer doesn’t throw flavours at you. These flavours are not in your face. There are far more flavoursome session beers that pack a far greater punch at this ABV point however if you find these beers too pungent for your taste then this is a quieter easy drinking pale ale alternative.
A pleasant enough beer that reminded me of beers I used to drink with a lemon top years ago, but now I prefer in your face, rowdy beers charged with flavour but thats my personal preference. This might be up your street!